I had a busy day yesterday, and fell asleep at the keyboard late at night. For over two days, just as I would finish scaning samples of one group of flora, another would catch my eye. It started the other day with the discovery of what I call “ledgefruit.” High up on a ledge separating the kitchen from the hallway were various fruits, all of comparable size and maturity.
After my climb to return them to their native spot, something sparkly caught my eye across the deep, narrow, high-walled chasm that is the kitchen hallway. These fruits were smaller than the ones I had just catalogued, and had a thin, rough, transparent reflective outer shell or surface. All that glitters isn’t gold. But gold isn’t tasty anyway. I call the general gouping of these specimens “sparklyfruit.”
Late yesterday, I travelled farther down the gorge of the hallway toward the entrance of the preserve. There I discovered even smaller fruits with both soft and hard variants. This was the final blow against my efforts to properly classify any individual fruit. Either there are many fruits of different colors and shapes that have forms suited to their environments in vitrue of their size and outer texture. or each environment produces variations of unrelated fruits that coincidntally resemble other fruits in other groups.
Either way, days of careful and extensive observation have brought me to one conclusion: the dominant plant type in the indoor preserve is undoubtably fruits. When I stepped back and saw the forest for the trees, so to speak, I could see fruits all around me, even hanging in tendrils too high to take samples for scanning. The conditions for such flora must be more ideal here than anywhere else on earth.